500 kilos of tomatoes, toalet chairs, clocks & two bodies
Beauty of Fear
(2010 – 2011)
BEAUTY OF FEAR is a choreography dealing with questions regarding human nature involving issues of domination and freedom.
Through dialectical thinking, QUARTO created a performance focusing on tight integration between movement, sound, video and text in a choreographical and multidimensional space. The project was initiated in 2009 during a one-year artistic residence at Teater Giljotin in Stockholm and a month at Inkonst in Malmö. QUARTO shared the creative process every month through performance, site-specific and video installation, in which the audience took a central role.
BEAUTY OF FEAR is a choreography dealing with questions regarding human nature involving issues of domination and freedom.
Choreography, concept and performance: Anna Mesquita & Leandro Zappala.
Costumes: Anna Mesquita. Video & Graphic Designer: Fredrik Olofsson. Composer: Daniel Karlsson. Light Designer: Tobias Hallgren & Anton Sjöstrand. Cultural Sociologist & Mediator: Lars-Göran Karlsson. Dance Researcher & Mediator: Cecilia Olsson. Light technician: Daniel Goody.
Co-producer: INKONST
Supported by: Konstnärsnämnden – The Arts Grants Committee, Stockholm Stads Kulturförvaltning – The Culture Committee, Kulturrådet and Stockholms Läns Landsting