Art-sociology, art-territory, art-philosophy
(2009 – 2010)
Dealing with questions concerning art x sociology, art x politics, art x territory, art x non-art, art x philosophy. Three Aphorisms. QUARTO opened to the audience a new performance every month, each step was re-articulated, based on texts from the book Aphorisms by Theodor Adorno.
Aphorism is part of a long-term process based research in interdisciplinary art and choreography which begun 2006.
Choreography, Performer & performance: Anna Mesquita & Leandro Zappala.
Cultural Sociologist & Mediator: Lars-Göran Karlsson.
Art Critic, Dance Researcher & Mediator: Cecilia Olsson.
Costumes: Anna Mesquita
Music: Aphorism 1 Philippe Boix-Vives.
Music: Aphorism 2 Johannes Bergmark.
Music: Aphorism 3 Daniel Karlsson.
Light Designer: Tobias Hallgren & Anton Sjöstrand.
September, October, November 2009 Teater Giljotin – Stockholm
Support: Konstnärsnämnden – The Arts Grants Committee, Stockholm Stads Kulturförvaltning – The Culture Committee, Kulturrådet and Stockholms Läns Landsting.